Enterprise Agility

Enterprise Agility is the ability of the company to adapt quickly.

When working with enterprise agility, we work with the entire organization to ensure that changes are suitable in your context and yield the desired results.

We believe that an agile approach to organizational development is usually the most appropriate and effective way.

Some call it agile transformation​ we call it high performing organisations.


Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) are trending. Perhaps even a bit "hyped"?

Nevertheless, it's a very effective way of goal management 
- if you do it well.

Do you need to:
* get started
* take the next step
* become excellent at 
Objectives & Key Results?

We assist you in making the transition from where you are to where you want to be.

Training & 

​We can provide you with support in training and mentoring.

While our expertise is important, we also understand that it's your context and that ´it's your culture that needs to be developed.

That's why we also believe that involvement fosters ownership of the solution and the outcome of the change.

We consider this crucial for achieving ​sustained change.

High performing teams

Agile coaching is about enabling individuals and organizations to reach their goals.

We believe that a coaching approach more effectively leads to sustained change and better outcomes than a more traditional approach to performance.

We employ coaching at all levels: individuals, teams, and the entire organization, providing support and challenges to help you succeed.

​Do you find change difficult and that what you're trying doesn't seem to work?


​Change can be challenging, whether it involves altering something within ourselves or within the organization we work for. It can be especially challenging when the changes also impact cultural or leadership aspects. There are times when we find ourselves in a situation where the change slows down or even comes to a complete halt, or it doesn't yield the results we were aiming for.

From experience, the problems we are trying to solve are often complex, but the way we attempt to solve them doesn't take this into account. Virpi Oinonen provides an excellent representation of complexity, how we often approach problem-solving, and the frustrating feeling we get when we don't understand why what we're doing isn't working.

If you haven't seen it before, we recommend checking out her infographic in this blog post.


​We believe that many challenges today are inherently complex. This requires us to acknowledge that complexity is different from being very complicated.

Complex problems have a different dynamic than complicated problems.

This demands a different approach to addressing change than what we may be used to.


​We believe in people. The vast majority of us want to do a good job and feel valued.

We also thrive the most when we achieve something together.

"Today, I'm going to do something really foolish!" said no one ever.


​Even though we are facing complex challenges, not all hope needs to be lost.

There are always actions we can collectively take in an attempt to bring about change. Additionally, we can seek continuous improvement in what already works.

We can even incorporate this into the way we work.

Why work with us?

  1. ​We respect and adapt to your situation, context, and culture
  2. We always begin with what you want to achieve with the change. 
  3. We assist the entire organization. 
  4. We co-create the change with those affected by it. 
  5. We help you establish mechanisms to ensure sustained change. 
  6. We view organizational change as complex problems.. 
  7. We have expertise in agile transformation.


​"Øystein has an excellent understanding of agile values, mindset, and what it takes to transform organizations to become more 'future-proof.' He comprehends the complexity and is skilled at making people feel valued and empowered by involving them in the process."


​"Øystein has a clear understanding of how to align technology with business needs. He possesses a very good understanding of the business and how he can support them with the right services and appropriate enterprise architecture."


​"Working with Øystein as my manager has been a great experience for me. He has shown me what leadership is and has a wealth of knowledge. I have learned a lot from Øystein."